Monitored Dosage System

East Street Pharmacy offers a Monitored Dosage System that is very useful for patients who have to take many different medications per day at different time and need to remember what they take and when.

What does a Monitored Dosage System mean?

Monitored Dosage System

A Monitored Dosage System is a method of organizing your medication intake, so it helps you remember what drug to take and at what time. You get your medicine in a special tray.

This tray has some sections,  that indicate days of the week and time of the day when they should be taken.

Our pharmacist will complete this tray with the drugs  the patient needs.

Who should use Monitored Dosage System?

  • Patients taking lots of different drugs;
  • Patients who can’t remember when they should take drugs;
  • Disabled patients who can’t use their hands, for example people with arthritis, Parkinson’s Disease and so on;
  • Patients with a complex drug regimen;
  • Patients with poor eyesight.

What can East Street Pharmacy do?

When we receive a prescription from your doctor, we will organize the drugs into a Monitored Dosage System.

East Street Pharmacy also delivers Monitored Dosage Systems trays to local nursing houses and gives them instructions for use, storage conditions and safe disposing of drugs.

Our pharmacists in partnership with My Canadian Pharmacy professional team are always in touch and ready to answer all your questions  – feel free to contact us. We want people to find the best way to take their medication!